The Ecologist: "Take the Findhorn Ecovillage in Scotland, for example, probably the most famous ecovillage in the world.
...An ecological footprint analysis was undertaken of this community. It was discovered that even the committed efforts of this ecovillage still left the Findhorn community consuming resources and emitting waste far in excess of what could be sustained if everyone lived in this way.
...based on my calculations, if the whole world came to look like one of our most successful ecovillages, we would still need one and a half planet's worth of Earth's biocapacity. Dwell on that for a moment."
...Even after five or six decades of the modern environmental movement, it seems we still do not have an example of how to thrive within the sustainable carrying capacity of the planet.
It should be no surprise that the author of the above has no answers to the problems of #climate and #energy since his transport plan is "ride bikes more."