Friday, December 24, 2010

Part II – Exposé | The 2º Death Dance – The 1º Cover-up « From the NonProfit Industrial Complex with Love

Part II – Exposé | The 2º Death Dance – The 1º Cover-up « From the NonProfit Industrial Complex with Love: "Those who have succumbed now hold hands in a circle and taunt the very planet that gives us life. The ugly side of humanity continues to violently pierce our Earth Mother with drills and slash her beautiful skin with razors. She is losing breath. She is dying. Yet, when she lashes back, it will be with an Armageddon deathblow against which our own actions will resemble childish prattle. And perhaps not until this time will global society finally recognize that our shared purpose was not to compete with one another and claim dominance and superiority over our Earth Mother – but rather our role was to protect, defend and nurture."